Have you ever wondered how stickers and labels are produced? It’s pretty interesting. In reality, they begin as large rolls of paper or plastic. But how, you may ask, does a big roll become a small sticker you can use? That’s where a special machine, called a slitter and rewinder, comes to the rescue.
A slitter and rewinder machine is a one of a kind machine that cuts a big roll into smaller sheets or rolls of the same material, as well as the Jingle blue's machine à enrouler le papier. Imagine a big pair of scissors that can also wind the pieces that are cut onto a new roll. This particular process is known as slitting and rewinding. In this process, the slitter uses blades to cut the material into the desired-sized pieces, and then the rewinder rolls the new or smaller pieces onto a new spool so that they’re ready to be used.
We have an awesome slitter and rewinder at Jingle Blue, custom made to create custom sheets from large rolls. This means we can develop stickers, labels, or packaging materials in the size and shape our customers request. From a small label for a jar to a giant sticker for a poster, our machine will run it all.
The slitter and rewinder from Jingle Blue is enhanced with advanced sensors, similar to the machine flexo developed by Jingle blue. These smart, precise sensors help make sure the cuts are accurate. They also assist the machine in checking that the rolls are spooled properly. This way our clients can rest assure that not the slightest detail on their designs will be lost and will look great in the final product.
Not only is Jingle Blue's slitter and rewinder accurate, but it is also fast and effective, also the Jingle blue's product such as poinçonneuse. It rolls up large material easily and smoothly — without wasting any material. This allows us to offer you stickers, labels, and packaging materials of great quality in a shorter amount of time. We all love a fast process.
Moreover, they have also designed their slitter and rewinder for less downtime and low maintenance, as well as the presse flexographique created by Jingle blue. This means we can continue to work on client projects with minimal disruption. Staying focused on one solution or project means fewer breaks, which greatly helps us out in being able to meet deadlines our clients give us, along with most often making them happy with the stuff that we give them.
At Jingle Blue, we possess a versatile slitter and rewinder, which allows us to use it for a host of different projects and needs, the same as Jingle blue's flexo press printing. This enables us to provide a broad range of products and service-oriented solutions that meet the diverse demands of our customers in various industries. Jk, our machine will package everything, whether it’s for a school project, a birthday party or to package something important.
Engagée dans l'innovation, l'entreprise a développé des produits économes en énergie comme la presse d'impression flexographique à grande vitesse entièrement automatique et la machine de découpe entièrement servo, offrant un rendement élevé avec une faible consommation d'énergie.
Avec un système de gestion de la qualité bien établi et des pratiques de production de sécurité standardisées, l'entreprise garantit que tous les équipements répondent aux normes industrielles élevées et fournissent des solutions sûres et fiables.
L'entreprise produit une large gamme de machines d'impression de haute qualité, notamment des presses typographiques flexibles, des machines d'impression à rotation complète, des machines de sérigraphie rouleau à rouleau et des machines de découpe autocollantes, répondant aux diverses demandes du marché.
L'entreprise dispose d'une équipe de professionnels qualifiés dans l'impression, la conception, la fabrication et la maintenance. En intégrant des technologies de pointe issues des marchés nationaux et internationaux, elle améliore continuellement la qualité et les performances des produits.
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