Jingle Blue is a company that manufacturers unique presses. These pieces of engineering are crucial in terms of automatische Schneidemaschine printing using flexible materials, such as plastic and paper. A lot of establishments use them because this printing technique is capable of producing clear pictures and images rapidly and correctly, and this is crucial in the present day fast-paced market.
For instance, recently Jingle Blue has introduced a different kind of press which employs a specialized technology known as UV LED curing. This technology helps it dry without delay when exposed to ultraviolet light. The quick-drying ink also allows the printing process to proceed faster. This is a great advantage, not only does it save time, it further saves energy, thus, proving to be an eco-friendly option.
These innovative presses involve an entire factory process, which has a corresponding team of expert engineers and manufacturing associates who work for Jingle Blue. These professionals have decades of experience and know what machines need to withstand the challenging demands of today’s printing industry.
Every they build clearly demonstrates the attention to detail and work quality that goes into it. Every single 6 colour printing machine machine is designed heirloom-style for years of quality performance. No Jingle Blue machine is complete without the best materials and components available. No machine can leave a factory without passing rigorous quality control tests guaranteeing that it fulfills demanding quality criteria.
The dedication to excellence and originality is second to none. At Jingle Blue, We continue our dedication to improving the 2 colour printing machine machines and helping our clients achieve their business. They offer long-term support and service to keep their machines running for decades.
Mit einem etablierten Qualitätsmanagementsystem und standardisierten Sicherheitsproduktionsverfahren stellt das Unternehmen sicher, dass alle Geräte den hohen Industriestandards entsprechen und sichere, zuverlässige Lösungen bieten.
Das Unternehmen verfügt über ein professionelles Team mit Fachkenntnissen in den Bereichen Druck, Design, Herstellung und Wartung. Durch die Integration fortschrittlicher Technologien aus dem In- und Ausland werden die Qualität und Leistung der Produkte kontinuierlich verbessert.
Das Unternehmen produziert eine breite Palette hochwertiger Druckmaschinen, darunter flexible Buchdruckmaschinen, Vollrotationsdruckmaschinen, Rolle-zu-Rolle-Siebdruckmaschinen und selbstklebende Stanzmaschinen, um den unterschiedlichen Anforderungen des Marktes gerecht zu werden.
Das der Innovation verpflichtete Unternehmen hat energieeffiziente Produkte entwickelt, wie etwa die vollautomatische Hochgeschwindigkeits-Flexodruckmaschine und die Vollservostanzmaschine, die eine hohe Leistung bei geringem Energieverbrauch bieten.
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