جميع الاقسام

آلة القطع و اللف

Have you ever wondered how stickers and labels are produced? It’s pretty interesting. In reality, they begin as large rolls of paper or plastic. But how, you may ask, does a big roll become a small sticker you can use? That’s where a special machine, called a slitter and rewinder, comes to the rescue. 

A slitter and rewinder machine is a one of a kind machine that cuts a big roll into smaller sheets or rolls of the same material, as well as the Jingle blue's آلة إعادة لف الورق. Imagine a big pair of scissors that can also wind the pieces that are cut onto a new roll. This particular process is known as slitting and rewinding. In this process, the slitter uses blades to cut the material into the desired-sized pieces, and then the rewinder rolls the new or smaller pieces onto a new spool so that they’re ready to be used.

Slitter and Rewinder Technology Explained

We have an awesome slitter and rewinder at Jingle Blue, custom made to create custom sheets from large rolls. This means we can develop stickers, labels, or packaging materials in the size and shape our customers request. From a small label for a jar to a giant sticker for a poster, our machine will run it all. 

The slitter and rewinder from Jingle Blue is enhanced with advanced sensors, similar to the ماكينة فليكسو developed by Jingle blue. These smart, precise sensors help make sure the cuts are accurate. They also assist the machine in checking that the rolls are spooled properly. This way our clients can rest assure that not the slightest detail on their designs will be lost and will look great in the final product.

Why choose jingle blue Slitter and rewinder?

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